September 2023 Contents
- Editor’s comments by Al Laius
- Some Angolan succulents by Al Laius
- The western wandering Mammilloids: cousins separated by seven million years by Peter Breslin
- Dasylirion wheeleri by Attila Kapitany
- Invisible Copiapoa by Federico Centenari
- An introduction to Aeonium by Mellie Lewis
- A ‘Floricity Index’ for cacti by Julian Silverton
- Return to the Barnhardt Trail by Peter Berresford
- An update to ‘Making your own ‘sustainable’ John Innes style compost’ by Paul Doyle
- Succulents contained – Aloe distans and Sedum burrito by Colin C Walker
- Finally described, a long-cultivated Cleistocactus from western Bolivia by Martin Lowry
- Mammillaria guelzowiana by Frank Sengpiel
- The earliest printed illustrations of succulents by George Thomson
- Rooting cacti by using coffee ground pellets by Zlatko Janeba
- Growing Dorstenia hildebrandtii Engl. by David Bruno
- Presidential Plants (7) by Graham Charles
- CactusTalk
- New literature
Front cover: Unnamed Haworthia hybrid, from seeds planted in 2020 from the Haworthia Society. Macro photograph with video lights, stacked image (Photo: Terry Goodfellow).