The BCSS journal CactusWorld appears quarterly and is a richly illustrated, topical and informative journal which is highly respected worldwide. Issued in B5 format with beautifully illustrated, laminated covers, the journal usually runs to 68 pages, though occasionally longer editions are produced as well as Special Issues.
The Journal contains articles on a wide range of subjects. Often you will find new descriptions of cacti or succulents as well as other taxonomic novelties. More importantly you will find articles about cultivation with valuable tips as well as tried and tested techniques. Then there are the travelogues which detail the adventures of modern-day plant hunters and include wonderful photos of plants in habitat. You will also find out about new cactus and succulent books in the ‘Literature Review’ section, hear about what the Branches are up to in ‘Branch News’, follow the latest snippets of information in ‘CactusTalk’ and read up about general Society news and events. There is much more of course: memoirs, advertisements, members’ greenhouse tours just to mention a few. Back issues are available in the shop.
CactusWorld – Author Guidelines
The Journal Editor is pleased to receive articles for consideration on any subjects related to the succulent plant hobby. Manuscripts should be supplied, where possible, as a text file saved as a Microsoft Word document. Illustrations for articles should be supplied as high resolution digital images, in either jpeg or tiff format, preferably original and unadjusted. All illustrations supplied should be numbered, and suggested captions for each should be included. The BCSS does not charge for the publication of articles in CactusWorld or publish articles on subjects outside its sphere of interest.
The period of time between the acceptance and publication of an article depends upon the amount of material in hand at any given time. The Editor strives to ensure that each issue contains a balanced mix of articles, and may retain accepted articles until the opportunity for publication arises. Priority, on occasion, will be given to time-critical manuscripts – particularly when the publication of new descriptions or combinations is involved.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor: Email
Full CactusWorld Author Guidelines (pdf)
CactusWorld Advertising Rates (pdf)
CactusWorld Indices
Index to Volume 41 (2023) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 40 (2022) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 39 (2021) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 38 (2020) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 37 (2019) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 36 (2018) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 35 (2017) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 34 (2016) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 33 (2015) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 32 (2014) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 31 (2013) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 30 (2012) Issues (pdf)
Index to Volume 29 (2011) Issues (pdf)