Publications Cacti - Biology and Uses. Edited by Park S. Nobel, and contributed to by a great many prominent growers, botanists and others. This seminal work running to 281 pages was published in 2003 by the University of California Press. IUCN Action Plan: Cacti & Succulents. The status survey and conservation action plan, compiled by Sara Oldfield on behalf of the IUCN / SSC Cactus and Succulent Specialist Group. Downloadable as pdf. Kakteen und Andere Sukkulenten. A downloadable archive of the journal of the Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft, Kakteen und Andere Sukkulenten. Issues available run from 1949 until 2010 and are in pdf format. Haworthia Revisited. Bruce Bayer's revision of the genus Haworthia, now available here in full, with all illustrations. Cactus & Succulent Review. A free quarterly review in pdf format. Back issues are also available. Alsterworthia International. The journal of plants of the Asphodelaceae. Back-issues of the journal are available free online in pdf format, hosted by The Haworthia Society. Cactus Explorers Club. A free on-line journal available as a pdf download from the Cactus Explorers Club. The Cactus and Succulent Digital Library. A wide selection of free books and journals dedicated to cacti and other succulents, in pdf format. These books and catalogs are in the public domain or the authors have given the site permission to reproduce their work. Websites The Mesemb Study Group. The website of the Mesemb Study Group, which aims to encourage the study and knowledge of the plants of the family Mesembryanthemaceae (commonly known as Living Stones). The Haworthia Society. The website of The Haworthia Society, the international society for the study, propagation and conservation of Haworthia, Gasteria, Aloe and other related South African succulents. The Mammillaria Society. The website of the Mammillaria Society, dedicated to the cultivation, conservation and study of the genus Mammillaria and allied genera. The DKG. The website of the German Society, Deutsche Kakteen-Geselschaft. The CSSA. The website of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America. Haworthia, Gasteria & Astroloba. Jakub Jilemicky's comprehensive website covering all things related to these South African plants, Haworthia, Gasteria and Astroloba, and related plants. Adromischus Displayed. Derek Tribble's horticultural reference website covering all species of the genus Adromischus. Haworthia Updates. Bruce Bayer's website on all things Haworthia - taxonomy, ecology, history, evolution, distribution, and everything else. Ariocarpus - Living Rocks of Mexico. A site edited by Geoff Bailey and John Miller, covering all aspects of the biology of these Mexican cacti. Succulent Sundae. A blog of succulents, mainly Mesembs, Lithops, and a few others. scrapbooklithops. All about the genus Lithops, compiled by Keith Green. Rebutias, etc. The National Collection of Aylostera, Rebutia and Weingartia (including Sulcorebutia) in North-east Scotland. 12 12 Do you know of a website or online publication not listed here? Or a broken link? Let us know.