Despite the fact that Turbinicarpus jauernigii was found growing close to a major Mexican highway it went unnoticed until 1991, when it was discovered by Johann Jauernig, an Austrian enthusiast. It was subsequently described in 1993 by Gerhardt Frank as a good species although the New Cactus Lexicon considers it to be a subspecies of T. schmiedickeanus.
In habitat it is found in two populations north of Palomas in the state of San Luis Potosí, growing largely in rock crevices. The populations are small, and it is considered to be endangered in the wild, the main threat being that of plant collectors.
In cultivation it should do well with a very well-drained potting mix and care with watering at all times, but particularly early in the season when, as with some other Turbinicarpi, it can be prone to taking up too much water and splitting. In the UK it should be happy in full sun, to retain the flat body shape, with perhaps light shading during hot weather.
T. jauernigii is an attractive and distinctive plant, with a greyish or sometimes brownish body and single up-turned spines. It flowers in late summer or autumn; Fig. 2 was taken towards the end of October. Flower colour can vary, but this is an attractive and unusual pink.
Sheila Cude
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