Time: Tuesday 13 February 2024 at 7.30pm (GMT)
We are excited to welcome Dr Gillian Evison who is unquestionably one of the best succulent growers we have in the UK. She has won every major BCSS award. Gillian is probably unique in that her skills are very broad and she is experienced with most cacti and other succulent genera. She is an enthusiastic supporter of BCSS events and a major exhibitor at her local Branch and National Shows. She usually wins the Best Plant award at the National Shows and her plants are without doubt admired by all who see them.
Gillian says, “I began growing succulents and cacti as a child and I have had quite a few decades in which to grow − and accidentally kill − quite a wide range of these fascinating plants. In this talk, I will focus on growing the ‘other succulents’ and I will be sharing my experiences of growing them on windowsills, in cold frames, in greenhouses and outdoors. I will be talking about my favourite soil mixes, looking at some of the pests that come to plague us and, on a happier note, discovering how we can win friends and influence people through the propagation of our favourite plants.”