September 2024 Contents
- Editor’s comments by Al Laius
- Philip Miller’s South African tree crassulas: Crassula arborescens and C. ovata
- X is for… by David Ilett
- A tour to northern Mexico, courtesy of Dr A Wislizenus (part 2) by Peter Berresford
- Cerochlamys gemina by David Lambie
- Notes from Bahia (3): Melocactus violaceus subsp. ritteri by Nigel P Taylor
- A ‘dead’ Echinocereus by Federico Centenari
- Up-close and personal – capturing pictures of smaller features of your plants by Terry Goodfellow
- In my greenhouses by John Salmon
- Tired-looking caudex by Tina Wardhaugh
- Notes from Bahia (4): Pilosocereus leucocephalus by Nigel P Taylor & Daniela Zappi
- Tridentea and Tromotriche – an appreciation by John Pilbeam
- Zlatko’s favourites (18) by Zlatko Janeba
- Haworthia germination and seedling care by Tinus Potgieter
- Notes from Bahia (5): Arthrocereus rondonianus by Nigel P Taylor
- Succulents contained Euphorbia neorubella by Colin C. Walker
- Cactus Talk
- Rhytidocaulon – an appreciation by John Pilbeam
- New literature
Front cover: Lophophora williamsii and Cardinalis sinuatus. Not quite a seasonal Robin, but an attractive bird nevertheless. Lophophora williamsii and a male Cardinalis sinuatus (pyrrhuloxia or desert cardinal) are depicted in this drawing by the talented artist Marc Nevsky. Both bird and cactus are inhabitants of the Chihuahuan desert near Cuatro Ciénegas, Coahuila, Mexico. Reference for the plant was taken from the habitat image of Pepe Paulin (iNaturalist). Drawing media: Hahnemühle cold pressed paper, Prismacolor wax pencils and Micropen. (Photo: Marc Necsky).