- Editor’s comments by Al Laius
- The Boyce Thompson Arboretum by John Ellis
- Hunting for La Gomera’s rarities by George Thomson
- My introduction to sulcorebutias by Kathy Flanagan
- Digital art by Gail Clarke
- Seed list 2017/2018 by David Rushforth
- In my greenhouse by Christopher Leather.
- Reintroduction of Lithops schwantesii subsp. gebseri into its natural habitat in Namibia by Roy Earle, Janice Round & Hilde Mouton ……
- The right Sandia by Ian Woolnough
- Turbinicarpus viereckii – a great survivor by Gordon Rowley
- Black Death, pathogen or opportunist by David Cumming ……………………..
- CactusTalk
- Literature review
- Anomalous flowering within the genus Turbinicarpus by Brian Scott & Rob Stevenson
Front cover: Gymnocalycium papschii VS160. The CITES Cactaceae Checklist has this as G.calochlorum but many workers list it as G.erinaceum. Wolfgang Papsch is reported to have stated that his plant was nearest to G.erinaceum. Whatever name you choose to go with, the glorious flowers of this ‘gymno’ make it well worth adding to your collection. This is one of the many plants featured in Chris Leather’s ‘In my greenhouse’ article in this issue. (Photo: Chris Leather)