CactusWorld 2015/1


The Society journal  appears quarterly and is a richly illustrated, topical and informative journal which is highly respected worldwide.Currently issued in B5 format with beautifully illustrated, laminated covers the journal usually runs to 56 pages, though occasionally longer editions are produced as well as Special Issues. Older issues may differ.

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  • Editor’s comments by Al Laius
  • Gymnocalycium – an alphabetical review: part 7, R-Z by John Pilbeam
  • Bill Maddams
  • Yucca `Anna’, a new hybrid by Benny M Jensen
  • In my greenhouse by Gregg DeChirico
  • A new species of Aloe from the Sudan, and the answer to a long-standing mystery by Tom A McCoy and John J Lavranos
  • Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument by Alan Ritchie
  • Sierra del Carmen – a land of surprises by Peter Berresford
  • Plants of the quarter
  • A new species of Aloe in Tanzania with secund flowers by Leonard E Newton
  • Cactus fruits – in total contrast with their arid ecosystem by Jan Emming
  • Eric Judd – South African Aloe artist by Colin C Walker and Gideon F Smith
  • CactusTalk
  • Literature review

Front cover: A typical flowering specimen of Aloe zubb T.A.McCoy & Lavranos in habitat in the Erkowit region of the Sudan. Often misidentified in cultivation as Aloe sinkatana Reynolds, this new species is described in the current Journal. (Photo: Tom McCoy)

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