- Editor’s comments by Peter Berresford
- Across the border in Arizona and Utah by Ian Woolnough
- In my greenhouse by Geoff Bowman
- Cacti of Jamaica by Rene Samek
- Subterranean cacti by Bill Christie
- Agave ‘Kichiokan’ by Robert D Stephenson
- Gasteria polita, an endangered succulent from South Africa by Johan Baard
- Effective ex situ conservation by Bill Maddams
- Two new species of Aloe (Asphodelaceae) from Madagascar by Jean-Philippe Castillon
- Plant of the quarter
- An account of Barcelona’s Jardin de Mossen Costa i Llobera by Alan Ritchie
- Worthwhile hybrid succulents 13: Cleretum and the Livingstone Daisies by Gordon Rowley
- A case of magnesium deficiency? by David Quail
- CactusTalk
- Literature review
Front cover: Echinocereus dasyacanthus