CactusWorld 2012/1


The Society journal  appears quarterly and is a richly illustrated, topical and informative journal which is highly respected worldwide.Currently issued in B5 format with beautifully illustrated, laminated covers the journal usually runs to 56 pages, though occasionally longer editions are produced as well as Special Issues. Older issues may differ.

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  • Introducing your new editors by Al Laius
  • Jardin Exotique de Monaco by Alan Ritchie
  • Clarification of the correct application of the names Sulcorebutia caracarensis (Cardenas) Donald and S. inflexiseta (Cardenas) Donald, and a re-evaluation of S. pulchra (Cardenas) Donald by Johan de Vries
  • Corolla variability in the Indian distribution of Caralluma adscendens var. fimbriata (Wallich) Grav. & Mayur
  • Plant of the quarter … The Opuntia fragilis hybrids of Babcock Bench by Dixie Dringman
  • Encounters of the succulent kind on a Caribbean island by David Kirkbright
  • In my greenhouse by Roger Mackie
  • Mammillaria bombycina : show plant extraordinaire by Roy Mottram
  • Succulent snippets … Luton Hoo walled garden project by Roy Warren
  • Literature review
  • CactusTalk
  • A revision of series Cepaea in the genus Sedum by Massimo Afferni

Front cover: Opuntia fragilis.

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