- BCSS International Convention 2010 by Roy Mottram & Roland Tebbenham
- Seed distribution 2010/2011 by David Rushforth
- A new, cliff-dwelling aloe from south-east Yemen by Giuseppe Orlando and Marwan El Azzouni
- BCSS Photographic Competition 2010 Part 2 by Derek Tribble and Geoff Bailey
- Forum report by Tony Roberts and Bill Hildyard
- Worthwhile hybrid succulents 12: Portulaca grandiflora by Gordon Rowley
- Searching for houseleeks in central northern Italy, Summer 2010 by Ray Stephenson
- The care and cultivation of schlumbergera hybrids by Frank Süpplie
- Cactus Talk
- Literature review
Front cover: David Kirkbright provides an iconic moment as he invites the audience to bid for a fine Cyphostemma juttoe at the Charity Auction of the 2010 Seventh BCSS International Convention.