- A visit to the Valley of Tehuacán by Chris Davies
- Lithops scrapbook: part 2 by Keith Green
- Mysterious aeoniums from the East by René Zahra
- Aloe ambositrae J-P Castillon, a new species of Asphodelaceae from the highlands of Madagascar by Jean-Philippe Castillon
- A challenging passage through the Barranca Toliman in Hidalgo, Mexico by W A & Betty Fitz Maurice, Julia Etter and Martin Kristen
- Growing fraileas by Angie Money
- Prickly pear about to invade West Yorkshire? by David Quail
- Literature review
- CactusTalk
- The voice of experience: a guide to cultivation specially for newcomers and juniors by John Carr
Front cover: Copiapoa aff. longistaminea (Chile, Prov. Antofagasta, 3km S of Cifuncho).