- The Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden by Root Gorelick
- Two new species of Ethiopian aloes by Tom McCoy & John Lavranos
- Astrophytum caput-medusae in cultivation by René Zahra
- Cintia knizei: A taxonomic review by Jan Řiha
- Getting close to Aeonium glandulosum by Roy Thackeray
- Life in a quartz field – from a Shmoo-Plant’s point of view by Rogan B Roth
- Gymnocalycium – an alphabetical review: part 3, C-D by John Pilbeam
- CactusTalk
- Literature Review
- Outstanding but overlooked: E. hesteri ssp. grata (M Kaplan, L Kunte & J Šnicer) J Lüthy & Dicht from Coahuila, Mexico by Jonas Lüthy & Reto Dicht
Front cover: Ferocactus histrix with Agave lechuguilla and a glimpse of a monstrose Pachycereus schottii in the background. This photo was taken by Root Gorelick in the Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden and shows a very large, mature plant, quite different in appearance to the seedlings, which have only a few strong ribs.