CactusWorld 2006/4


The Society journal  appears quarterly and is a richly illustrated, topical and informative journal which is highly respected worldwide.Currently issued in B5 format with beautifully illustrated, laminated covers the journal usually runs to 56 pages, though occasionally longer editions are produced as well as Special Issues. Older issues may differ.

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  • Echinocactus grusonii, a new location for the Golden Barrel by W A & Betty Fitz Maurice, Julia Etter & Martin Kristen
  • Heliocereus cinnaborinus (Eichlam ex Weing.) Britton & Rose at a possible new location in Veracruz, Mexico by Miguel J Cházaro, Jose Luis Tapia-Muñoz & Hector Narave-Flores
  • Report on the BCSS sixth quadrennial International Convention, 17-20 August 2006 by Roy Mottram
  • An old acquaintance from the Guanillos Valley (Prow de Atacama, Chile) is finally validated by Helmut Walter and Wendelin Mächler
  • Seed Offer 2006 by David Rushforth
  • Aloe eximia – an attractive new species from Madagascar by John Lavranos and Tom McCoy
  • Lophophora – species and cultivars by G D Rowley
  • Balsam-bearing Bonsai – potentially by Bert Jonkers
  • Literature review
  • Round Robins report by Malcolm Holloway
  • CactusTalk

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