- Echinocactus grusonii, a new location for the Golden Barrel by W A & Betty Fitz Maurice, Julia Etter & Martin Kristen
- Heliocereus cinnaborinus (Eichlam ex Weing.) Britton & Rose at a possible new location in Veracruz, Mexico by Miguel J Cházaro, Jose Luis Tapia-Muñoz & Hector Narave-Flores
- Report on the BCSS sixth quadrennial International Convention, 17-20 August 2006 by Roy Mottram
- An old acquaintance from the Guanillos Valley (Prow de Atacama, Chile) is finally validated by Helmut Walter and Wendelin Mächler
- Seed Offer 2006 by David Rushforth
- Aloe eximia – an attractive new species from Madagascar by John Lavranos and Tom McCoy
- Lophophora – species and cultivars by G D Rowley
- Balsam-bearing Bonsai – potentially by Bert Jonkers
- Literature review
- Round Robins report by Malcolm Holloway
- CactusTalk