- Sulcorebutia torabucoensis ssp. patriciae – a spectacular new sulcorebutia by Johan de Vries and Willi Gertel
- Conophytum bruynsii by Chris Rodgerson
- Cacti of the Pativilca river basin, Lima, Peru by Carlos Ostolaza (SPECS); Aldo Ceroni (UNALM); Natalia Calderón (UNALM); Esther Alvarez (UNSAAC); Jonatan Zapata (UNMSM); Johanna Cortèz (UNALM); Lourdes Salinas (SPECS)
- Aloe antonii Castillon, a new species of Asphodelaceae from the western coast of Madagascar by Jean-Bernard Castillon
- Echinopsis (Trichocereus) schickendantzii – much more than just a grafting stock! by Ray Allcock
- Rearrangements in the systematics of Eriosyce napina (Philippi) Kattermann (Cactaceae) by Helmut Walter & Wendelin Machler
- Three Chilean succulent euphorbias by Paul Klaassen
- Literature review
- Round Robins report by Malcolm Holloway