CactusWorld 2006/3


The Society journal  appears quarterly and is a richly illustrated, topical and informative journal which is highly respected worldwide.Currently issued in B5 format with beautifully illustrated, laminated covers the journal usually runs to 56 pages, though occasionally longer editions are produced as well as Special Issues. Older issues may differ.

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  • Sulcorebutia torabucoensis ssp. patriciae – a spectacular new sulcorebutia by Johan de Vries and Willi Gertel
  • Conophytum bruynsii by Chris Rodgerson
  • Cacti of the Pativilca river basin, Lima, Peru by Carlos Ostolaza (SPECS); Aldo Ceroni (UNALM); Natalia Calderón (UNALM); Esther Alvarez (UNSAAC); Jonatan Zapata (UNMSM); Johanna Cortèz (UNALM); Lourdes Salinas (SPECS)
  • Aloe antonii Castillon, a new species of Asphodelaceae from the western coast of Madagascar by Jean-Bernard Castillon
  • Echinopsis (Trichocereus) schickendantzii – much more than just a grafting stock! by Ray Allcock
  • Rearrangements in the systematics of Eriosyce napina (Philippi) Kattermann (Cactaceae) by Helmut Walter & Wendelin Machler
  • Three Chilean succulent euphorbias by Paul Klaassen
  • Literature review
  • Round Robins report by Malcolm Holloway

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