- Editor’s comments by Roy Mottram
- The Hybrid Echinopsis Swap Circle – a success story by Elizabeth J. Pendleton
- The Darrah Collection by John Hughes
- In memoriam: Kathleen Stonley (nee Batch), 1917-2006 by David Kirkbright
- The succulent collection at Bishop Burton College dedicated to the memory of Adrian Haworth by Roy Thackeray
- An inveterate seedraiser’s diary by David Quail
- Eulophia petersii – on a hillside far, far away… by Rogan Roth
- A study of one of England’s largest natural sites for Sedum villosum by Mark Campbell and Ray Stephenson
- Two new BCSS Fellows
- Tocitus bellus or Groptopetalum bellum by John Pilbeam
- CactusTalk
- Round Robins report by Malcolm Holloway
- Literature review