- A new genus of the cactus family from the state of Nuevo Leon in Mexico – Digitostigma caput-medusae by Calos G.Velazco Macias and Manuel Nevarez de los Reyes
- A brief encounter with Lithops optica by Rogan Roth
- A new species of Espostoa from Peru by Graham
- Charles and Elizabeth Woodgyer
- A glochidiferous Euphorbia from Somalia by Bert Jonkers
- A new BCSS Fellow – Tony Mace
- Bookshelf
- Round Robins report by Malcolm Holloway
- Cacti of the Huaura river valley, Peru – a conservation study by Carlos Ostolazza, Aldo Ceroni, Gustavo Dreyfus, Natalia Calderon and Sidney Novoa
- A new subspecies of Ariocarpus agavoides from San Luis Potosi by Manuel Sotomeyer, Alberto Arredondo Gómez, Francisco Renè Sáchez Barra and Mario Martìnez Méndez
- Mammillaria moelleriana – pay your money and take your choice by John Pilbeam