- The geographic and conservation status of Lobivia walteri and Trichocereus smrzianus by Fabiàn Font and Pablo Picca Pierre
- Esteves by René Zahra
- Stem-succulent species of Cissus in Kenya by Len Newton
- Gasteria batesiana faces dam construction threat, again by Neil R.Crouch and Gideon F.Smith
- Round Robins: flight reports by Elizabeth Pendleton
- Any questions?
- Bookshelf
- Face to face
- Arthur Boader – who was he? by Dave Brewerton
- Diversity in adversity – the South African desert by David Lambie
- The search for hardy succulents (8) – freezing and thawing by Gordon Rowley
- ISI Plants 2001 – an introduction by Harry Mays
- Notes on some unusual succulents in cultivation by Lucio Russo
- Managing Selenicereus by A.J.S.McMillan
- Adenium in Arabia – again by Sheila Collenette