- Farewell Gamsberg? by Terry Smale
- The Caralluma with the golden flowers by Bert Jonkers
- Haageocereus tenuisand H.repens – rescued Peruvian cacti by Carlos Ostolaza
- Two new species of Sanseveria from Malawi by Juan Chahinian
- Round Robins: flight reports by Elizabeth Pendleton and Malcolm Holloway
- Any questions?
- Bookshelf
- Face to face
- C.W.Pitcher FNCSS – who was he? by John Cox
- Hardy Pediocactus and Echinocereus – notes on cultivation by Milan Kurka
- Euphorbia phosphorea– the largest growing Brazilian euphorbia by Marlon Machado
- Mammillaria proliferafrom Cuba by John Pilbeam
- Rhytidocaulonin Saudi Arabia by Sheila Collenette