- Tylecodon – Succulents of Winter Interest by Tom Jenkins
- A Cautionary Tale, and a Question by Bill Weightman
- A visit to the Patatsrivier Area of the Ceres Karoo by Piet Fourie
- The Genus Espostoa Br. & R. by Graham Charles
- The Search for Hardy Succulents (6) – Crassulas by Gordon Rowley
- Round Robins – Flight Report by Elizabeth Pendleton
- Bookshelf
- Abstracts
- Agave gypsophilia – An Underrated Species by Len Newton
- Notocactus ruoffii by Norbert Gerloff and René Zahra
- The BCSS and Other UK-Based web sites by Tony Mace
- Adenium obesum in Saudi Arabia by Shiela Collenette
- Turbinicarpus zaragozae by Alessandro Mosco and Carlo Zanovello
- Clive Innes – 1909-1999 By Gordon Rowley