- Obetia ficifolia – A Pachycaul Stinging Nettle by Colin Burston, Ralph Martin & Colin Walker
- H.M. Roan – The Man Behind The Name by John Cox
- Two Relatives of Notocactus rutilans by Norbert Gerloff and Renè Zahra
- Worthwhile Hybrid Succulents No.9 Euphorbia ‘Macgulfin’ by Gordon Rowley
- Slow-Growing Cacti From Seed by David E. Quail
- International Succulent Introductions for 1997 by Harry Mays
- From The President
- The Practicalities of Conservation by The Conservation Committee
- Round Robins: Flight Report by Elizabeth Pendleton
- Bookshelf
- Abstracts
- xGasteraloe radili (Aloaceae) – A New Name for an Old Hybrid by Leonard E. Newton
- Lophophora ziegleri by Tony Johnston
- Two Days on Gran Canaria Part Two: The Botanical Garden of Tafira Alto (Jardin Canano) by D.J. Ellis
- Othonna euphorbioides, O.herrei and O.lepidocaulis: Their Natural History and Propagation by Charles Craib
- Face to Face