- Words from the Oldest Surviving Founder Member by Michael Roan
- Mammillaria angelensis by Bill Maddams
- Notes on Delosperma nakurense by Leonard E. Newton
- Notocactus ibicuiensis Prestlè by Norbert Gerloff & Renè Zahra
- Euphorbia berorohae Rauh & Hofstätter, a new species from the Mongoky region (South Madagascar) by Werner Rauh
- The Huntington Part 3 by Harry Mays
- Bookshelf
- Abstracts
- Some Thoughts on Greenhouse Heating by Carl Garnham and Bill Maddams
- Miscellaneous mesembs by Eddie Harris
- Can You See It? by Jonathan Y. Clark
- Valley of the Old Men and Metztitlàn, Hidalgo by Derek Nicholas
- Round Robins: Flight Reports by Elizabeth Pendleton
- Cultural Corner by Chris Baker
- Face to Face