- From the President
- The Hanson Namib Expedition by Ernst van Jaarsveld
- Topsy-Turvey Cacti – Echnocereus stoloniferous
- About Norbert Gerloff and Notocactus by René Zahra
- Ferocactus acanthodes (Lemaire) Britton & Rose by Frank Screen
- Euphorbia mahabobokensis Rauh nov.spec., a new species from central-south Madagascar by Werner Rauh, Hermann Petignat and Marc Teissier
- The Huntington Part 1 by Harry Mays
- Cultural Corner by Chris Baker
- Bookshelf
- Abstracts
- International Succulent Introductions – 1995
- Round Robins: Flight Reports by Elizabeth Pendleton
- In Search of History, Bradford to SW7 by John Cox
- Face to Face