- Sour Grapes by Keith Grantham
- The Reintroduction of Gasteria baylissiana – A Check-up by Ernst Van Jaarsveld
- Warionia saharae by Andre Audissou
- Francisco Stockinger – A Cactus Pioneer from Brazil by Norbert Gerloff and René Zahra
- A Visit to the Collection of John Smith by Bill Weightman
- Mesembs in the Muthi-Market: Lithops leslei as an Ethnomedical Plant by Gideon F.Smith and Neil R.Crouch
- Round Robins: Flight Report by Elizabeth Pendleton
- Bookshelf
- Problems of Speciation by Ray Stephenson
- Sedum fosterianum at its type locality by Len Newton
- One for the Birds? by David Lambie
- What do Cipocereus laniflorus and Aloe jacunda have in-common? by Harry Mays
- An Investigation into Light Intensity in the UK by Carl Garnham
- Learning to Love Agaves by John Pilbeam
- The Attraction of Dinteranthus by Suzanne Mace
- The Search for Hardy Succulents (7) – Annuals by Gordon Rowley