- From the President
- The World of Succulents
- The RHS Specialist Societies Show
- The National Show
- A Collector’s Sketchbook; Euphorbia meloformis, by E. W. Putnam
- Mr F. A. Walton (1853-1922) Part 3, by David Parker
- This Year’s Offerings, by David Rushforth
- A South-western Sojourn (Part 3), by Louise Bustard
- South Africa and Namibia (Part 2), by Mel Roberts
- BCSS Convention
- The Successful Germination of Sclerocactus and Pediocactus Seeds, by David Rushforth
- The Effects of 24-hour and Ambient Light on Lithops Seedling Cells, by Michael Dennis, Joel Moody and Brent Baker
- Face to Face