- World of Succulents
- Pilosocereus polygonus; Another Cactus from Holguin Province, Cuba, by José Toledo
- The Euphorbias of Somalia, by Susan Carter
- What a Difference a Year Makes! by Louise Bustard
- Cussonia paniculata: the Mountain Cabbage Tree, by Colin C. Walker
- Rebutia albiflora
- Euphorbia viguieri var. capuroniana, by Stan Lampard
- Birdtour Peru, by Joy Lewis
- A New Coloured Variant of Coryphantha elephantidens, by B. P. Saxena
- A Collector’s Sketchbook: Neoporteria taltalensis, by E. W. Putnam
- Ipomoea holubii
- The 1988 Seed List, by David Rushforth
- Rowley Reminiscing – Part 4: The Scientific Approach, by G. D. Rowley
- Three Oddball Haworthias, by Dale Speirs
- The Mesemb/Asclepiad Event, by Sonia Barker-Fricker and Derek Tribble
- Face to Face