- World of Succulents
- Succulent Types, by Margaret Rossiter
- The Euphorbias of Somalia (Part 1), by Susan Carter
- Mammillaria napina
- Through Baja California with Dr Lau (Part 2), by R.J. Starling
- Rowley Reminiscing – Part 3: The Move into Society, by G. D. Rowley
- Obituary: Hernando Sanchez-Mejorada
- Advice for Beginners (Part 3), by Mel Roberts
- Echinopsis Cultivars, by Roy Mottram
- Glasgow Garden Festival, by Hamish McKelvie
- Echeveria pulvinata ‘Ruby’, ‘Frosty’ and E. leucotricha, by Will Tjaden
- An Acquaintance with Gymnocalycium saglione, by Carla Wolters
- Piaranthus vomitus
- Growing Cacti in Israel, by Menashe Harman
- NCSS/CSSGB Souvenirs
- A Collector’s Sketchbook: Leuchtenbergia principis, by E. W. Putnam
- On Light and Lithops, by P. I. Forster
- Haworthia aranea
- A Plea to Authors, by R. A. Houghton
- Face to Face