
Bradleya 28/2010

Original price was: £18.00.Current price is: £12.00.

Bradleya is the yearbook of the British Cactus and Succulent Society and has been published annually since 1983. It has aimed to present articles of a more specialised or technical nature than those which are published in our quarterly journal.



Bradleya 28 includes the following articles:
Notes on Borzicactus in northern Peru by Graham Charles
Lizards on Aeonium lancerottense in Lanzarote, Canary Islands: a new example of pollination by reptiles? by E. Charles Nelson
Two new caulescent species of Sansevieria (Asparagaceae) in Kenya by Leonard E. Newton
Three species accepted in Chortolirion Berger (Xanthorrhoeaceae: Asphodeloideae) by Ben J.M. Zonneveld and Georg P.J. Fritz
A first record of a South African aloe, Aloe spectabilis, becoming naturalized elsewhere in the country by R.R Klopper. P.C. Zietsman, P. J. du Preez and G. F. Smith
Variation in flowers in Cephalophyllum curtophyllum (Aizoaceae) by H.E.K Hartmann
Notes on Agave palmeri Engelm. (Agavaceae) and its allies in the Ditepalae by Ronell R. Klopper, Gideon F. Smith, Estrela Figueiredo and Neil R. Crouch
Desmidorchis impostor spec. nov. (Apocynaceae; Asclepiadoideae; Ceropegieae), a not-so-new, new stapeliad from northern Oman by H A. Jonkers
What’s in a name: epithets in Aloe L. (Asphodelaceae) and what to call the next new species Estrela Figueiredo and Gideon F. Smith
Aloe nicholsii Gideon F.Sm. & N.R.Crouch (Asphodelaceae): a new leptoaloe from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Gideon F. Smith and Neil R. Crouch
Epitypes for two archetypal stapeliads: Stapelia hirsuta and S. (Orbea ) variegata by Gordon D. Rowley
Lectotypification of Portulaca grandiflora var. grandiflora by Gordon D. Rowley
Gilbert Westacott Reynolds: his study of Aloe and a bibliography of his work by Colin C. Walker
An up-to-date familial and suprafamilial classification of succulent plants by Reto Nyffeler and Urs Eggli.

Cover: The newly described Borzicactus hutchisonii G. Charles flowering in cultivation, GC573.02, from 1,820 m, S. of Tingo. Depto. Amazonas, N. Peru.

Total number of pages: 144
Colour photographs: 112
3 Black and white photographs, 24 line drawings and diagrams and maps.
ISBN 0-902099-83-3
ISSN 0265-086

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Weight 0.6 kg
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