What is the role of hybridization in the evolution of the Cactaceae? by Marlon C. Machado
Eight new species of Aizoaceae from the Cedarberg and Namaqualand, South Africa by Cornelia Klak
Naturalised species of Agave L. (Agavaceae) in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa by Gideon F.Smith, Michele Walters, Estrela Figueiredo and Ronell R.Klopper
A synopsis of Delosperma N.E.Br. (Aizoaceae) in North East Africa and South West Arabia by H.E.K. Hartmann
Notes on Maihueniopsis Spegazzini (Cactaceae) by Graham Charles
Floral Biology, phytogeography and systematics of Eriosyce subgenus Neoporteria (Cactaceae) by Helmut Walter
A carnival of flowers in Drosanthemum subgenus Speciosa (Aizoaceae) by H.E.K.Hartmann
Aloes of the World: African Plants Initiative. An international web-based collaboration to promote scholarly research on Aloe L. by Gideon F.Smith, Michele Walters, Ronell R. Klopper and Neil R. Crouch.
Cover: Bruce Bayer photographed this plant of Drosanthemum hallii L.Bolus in habitat S.W. of Worcester (Hartmann & Bayer 34610) in full bloom and with the unusual change in colour from a yellow base to almost red tips. D. hallii has been described with pure yellow petals. The black filamentous staminodes, typical of Drosanthemum subgenus Speciosa, become more visible with age; various stages are shown here.
Total number of pages: 128 + Cover (49 colour pages + Cover)
Colour photographs: 178
Black and white photographs, line drawings and diagrams: 10; maps: 10
ISBN 0-902099-81-7
ISSN 0265-086X