- Bringing a varied selection of eleven new research papers by some of the great names in the world of succulents:-Cactaceae Of six papers on cacti, two involve field studies in Brazil. One covers bat pollination; the other pollen morphology as an aid to better understanding of the genera and species.
- Charles Glass & J.Martinez-Avalos describe a new Mammillaria from Tamaulipas.
- For the nomenclaturists there is an unravelling of the tangled taxonomy of Neolloydia gautii: the last word – or is it?
- Charles Nelson provides a major historical review of the 63 cacti sent for naming by the Irish botanist Thomas Coulter to De Candolle, with modern name equivalents.
- The ongoing Opuntia Index from Crook & Mottram offers all the F words (unexpurgated).
- Aizoaceae Steven Hammer writes in his inimitable style two “Odes on Mesembryanthemum”, covering field observations on 12 genera, 3 new conophytums and 1 new Delosperma.
- If you have ever puzzled over those extraordinary cactus-like spine clusters (diadems) on the leaf tips of Trichodiadema, puzzle no longer: they are elucidated in full and assessed in regard to classification of the whole genus.
- Crassulaceae Werner Rauh & René Hebding describe new kalanchoes from Madagascar with customary lavish colour photographs. E.v.Jaarsveld & D.Koutnik describe novelties in Cotyledon and Tylecodon with fine paintings by Elise Bodley.
- Portulacaceae Last but not least, Urs Eggli expounds on a species of Portulaca new to Madagascar.
All the articles are illustrated, and Bradleya keeps up its reputation for offering authors free use of colour.
Total number of pages – 112
ISBN 0 902099 49 3