Molecular systematic study of the Cactaceae: using chloroplast DNA variation to elucidate cactus phylogeny by Robert S.Wallace
Melocactus inclinatus, a new species from the Dutch Leeward Islands by Helmut Antesberger
Johanna Ellaphie Ward-Hilhorst (1920-1994) with specific reference to her work on succulent plants by Ernst van Jaarsveld
Specialized solitary bees as effective pollinators of South Brazilian species of Notocactus and Gymnocalycium (Cactaceae) Clemens Schlindwein & Dieter Wittmann
A new species of Ceropegia in Kenya by Leonard E. Newton
Tissue culture of succulent plants – an annotated bibliography by Michael F. Fay, Jill Gratton & Peter J.Atkinson
Notes towards a Monogragh of Rhipsalideae (Cactaceae) by W.Barthlott & N.P.Taylor
A new species of Haworthia (Asphodelaceae) – H.joeyae by C.L.Scott
Marlothistella Schwantes: A rising star by Steven Hammer
Opuntia Index Part 1: Introduction A-B by Richard Crook & Roy Mottram
The Sessé and Mociño cactus plates: A postscript
Total number of pages – 120
colour photographs – 53
black and white photographs – 31
Plus: Total number of pages of maps and drawings – 12
ISBN 0 902099 39 6