Fig. 9 A grafted cactus plant, Islaya grandis, on – John Miller
August 16, 2019 5:47 pmFig. 9 A grafted cactus plant, Islaya grandis, on a Trichocereus stock – John Miller
Fig. 9 A grafted cactus plant, Islaya grandis, on a Trichocereus stock – John Miller
Fig. 3 A new plant growing from a leaf of Adromischus marianiae – David Quail
Fig. 1 The base of a Mammillaria moelleriana cactus cut back to clean - David Quail
Fig. 10 A grafted succulent plant, Euphorbia - John Miller
Fig. 8 A recently grafted cutting of Mammillaria - David Quail
Fig. 6 Opuntia rootstock – a severed pad, - David Quail
Fig. 5 Trichocereus spachianus rootstock - John Miller
Fig. 4 Plantlets growing on the leaf-edges of Kalanchoe, - David Quail
Fig. 3 A new plant growing from a leaf of Adromischus marianiae - David Quail
Fig. 2 A leaf cutting of Pachyphytum compactum already forming roots - John Miller
Fig. 1 The base of a Mammillaria moelleriana cactus cut back to clean - David Quail