Time: Tuesday 9 January 2024 at 7.30pm (GMT)
We are so proud to welcome back Jakub Jilemicky, our friends, and very popular speakers to start the New Year and to allow us to continue the journey that we started last year.
In his talk we will continue our journey through the Eastern Cape. Jakub will take us on a journey from Baviaanskloof in the West up to Umtata in the East, showing the richness of succulents growing there. Last time he focused on Haworthias, in this talk Jakub will show plants from the genus Haworthiopsis, Astroloba and Gasteria. We are also promised photos of many other genera too. This will without doubt be a special talk to join.
Jakub has spent more than 20 years travelling through southern Africa with the main focus on South Africa. He has seen 99.99% of all described Haworthia species, but there is still space to see more – that’s why he keeps coming back to this magnificent country. His mission is to spread the Haworthia virus across the globe, the main tools are his website www.haworthia-gasteria.com. Jakub is an international speaker and has presented talks for many societies in Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia. His photos were used in several books and publications as well. Jakub says, “But the best would be if you join my talk for BCSS and you will see the Haworthia magic with your own eyes!!!”