Time: Tuesday 5 December 2023 at 7.30pm (GMT)

We are excited to announce that we have arranged for Dr Detlev Metzing, one of the world’s best-known authorities on Gymnocalycium to give us a talk on this spectacularly popular genus. Detlev has supported the BCSS Zoom meeting from the beginning, and we are so happy that he has agreed to present this talk to us.
Detlev says “Gymnocalycium is undoubtedly a popular genus. When I started with the cactus hobby in the first half of the 1970s, a Gymnocalycium quehlianum was one of the first species in my small collection on the windowsill. This plant is still alive but is now in the greenhouse – with many other species of the same genus. In this lecture I would like to share with you the fascination of the genus Gymnocalycium – with pictures from the plants in cultivation and in nature”.
Detlev is a member of most Cactus Societies around the world (including the BCSS) and an elected member of the IOS. Detlev is an academic focusing on botany, conservation, horticulture, and Climate change so is well qualified to tell us about these wonderful plants.
Within the Cactus World Detlev has travelled extensively in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil.