What is it?
The Bill Maddams BCSS Travel Award is a competitive award of up to £1000 towards travel expenses for a student who has to find funds for a project connected with cacti or other succulent plants, which has to be undertaken as part of studies connected with the achievement of a botanical qualification.
Eligibility criteria
The Bill Maddams Travel Award is available to any student registered with a UK educational establishment for studies relating to botany.
Applications may be made at any time of the year but with a minimum of 3 months prior to the start of the project.
Completed application forms may be submitted electronically to The Conservation Committee. Contact details of two referees must also be provided.
Upon completion of the project students must refund any unspent funds to the BCSS.
It is a condition of the award that recipients will submit a written report of the project within 3 months of the its completion.
The BCSS reserves the right to publish this report both in print and electronically on its website.
How will the award decision be made?
The members of the BCSS Research Committee and BCSS Conservation Committee will consider the submissions and decide the winner.
Download the application form. (pdf)