Andreas Hofacker -The Fascination of Notocactus – a misunderstood genus

Time: Tuesday 4 October 2022 at 7.30pm (BST)

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Andreas Hofacker has been collecting cacti as a hobby for almost 45 years. His first cactus was a Notocactus ottonis. Since then, Andreas has remained faithful to this genus. His collecting focus is on the Brazilian cacti and thus also the Notos. His first trip to South America took Andreas to the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul to see Notocacti in habitat. Since then, he has been able to observe them in habitat several times, including in Uruguay.

Unjustly, Notocacti are often considered old-fashioned and boring. In this talk Andreas will show us the diversity of the (old) genus Notocactus. We will see the plants both in their natural habitats and in cultivation. In addition, Andreas will introduce us to his cultivation methods for these beautiful plants.

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